Sunday, April 3, 2011

Nursery = Done (for now)

So I have finally finished what we will be able to do with the nursery while here at the apartment. Since we are moving in July, we did not want to paint the walls, and we decided not to put up the crib as Ellie will still be in the cradle when we move. Jacob was a trooper about getting stuff done in the nursery today. He HATES hanging pictures on the wall, and that's what he spent a portion of his afternoon doing today. he's the best husband ever :)

I kind of freaked out when I realized how close my due date was and the fact that nursery hadn't been done. I feel much better about it now. I also have my hospital bag packed and ready to go. I think today was pretty productive. My doctor somewhat implied that she believes Ellie is getting pretty big so she requested a sonogram for this coming Friday. I have a pretty good feeling that we will be starting some natural induction tricks starting Friday - but we'll see. Whatever happens I'm getting really, really excited!!

This is going to be fairly short today. Below are the pictures from our nursery and my 37 week picture - I'm full term!!


  1. Love the nursery. I see the Bunny has found a place

  2. Oh yes. I forgot to add that to my blog. Mom got Ellie her first Easter Bunny :)

  3. Very cute. All we need now is the baby!
