Tuesday, April 26, 2011
And the Waiting Continues
TMI Alert! (Do not read this paragraph, if you don't want to know the ongoings of a woman close to delivery) I lost my mucus plug this morning, which means that cervix is pretty much fully ripened by now. The majority of women go into labor anywhere from 24-72 hours after this happens. So far I have still not felt anything more than some light menstrual like cramping (which has been going on since week 37), and I have felt my abdomen "harden" a few times, but I only notice that if I touch it, it never actually hurts or feels like a contraction has been described to me as feeling. I have been told by multiple people that I could be in early early labor, but I don't know what to think. All I know is nothing feels like it's coming and going every 4 minutes which is what I need to be feeling in order to go into the hospital.
I started to stress out quite a bit this morning wondering if I would "know" when I go into labor, since I haven't felt anything yet. It's not that I want to feel pain from contractions or anything, but I think if I had at least felt something at this point, I'd know what to look for, as opposed to my current state of wondering what every little movement and feeling in my abdomen is. I finally settled down this afternoon when I made the realization that since I am so in tuned with my body, it would be pretty hard for me to miss any obvious signs of labor. All I know for sure is that I will (hopefully, as long as the induction takes) have a baby by this weekend, and I am beyond excited to be able to say that :)
Monday, April 18, 2011
Counting Down the Days
I think we have finally purchased everything we need for baby Ellie. We didn't get everything off our registry - which we knew would happen. I went through the lists and determined what was absolutely necessary and used our giftcards that we got from returning duplicate items and from generous family members to buy the last few items. Obviously I am sure there things I don't know about yet that I will be needing, and of course there are items we will run out of fairly quickly (like diapers and baby wash) that we will have to continue to buy. But for now I think I'm finally done buying things, haha.
Since I am not working and don't need a car, Jacob has been taking my car to work everyday. His car gets terrible gas mileage and he can sometimes drive up to 300 miles in a day, so it just makes more sense that he drive the car with better mileage - especially since I am not working and therefore not making any money. Well his car is a stickshift and I have never learned to drive one, so during the days I am without a car. Last week I spent a lot of time at my parents house during the day - and I will probably do that this week, too. It has been fun to go run errands with my dad :)
One thing we have been doing is going to home building supply stores and picking out things to use in the house we will be moving into. The guy living there now made some interesting changes to the house that we will not be keeping. So far we have determined we need to replace the kitchen countertops, the kitchen sink (it's bright cherry red!!), the cabinet knobs, a few ceiling fans, and lots and lots of paint. We will not be doing all of this at once, but it makes for a nice to-do list to be working on. The guy who lives there now was given until June 30 to be out, but he has already moved most of his things out, and has turned off the utilities so we are hoping he will be out sooner. That would make the transition from our apt much easier since we want to paint at the house before moving in and we'll need paint our apt once we get furniture out...
There are so many changes coming our way, but I am SOO excited about all of them!
Below is a progression of my baby bump pictures. Jacob's cousin, Becky, made it for us.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Nursery = Done (for now)
I kind of freaked out when I realized how close my due date was and the fact that nursery hadn't been done. I feel much better about it now. I also have my hospital bag packed and ready to go. I think today was pretty productive. My doctor somewhat implied that she believes Ellie is getting pretty big so she requested a sonogram for this coming Friday. I have a pretty good feeling that we will be starting some natural induction tricks starting Friday - but we'll see. Whatever happens I'm getting really, really excited!!
This is going to be fairly short today. Below are the pictures from our nursery and my 37 week picture - I'm full term!!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Baby Showers
Our first shower was thrown for us by our good friend, Beka. We knew we wanted to have a shower that would not be formal, and would be a chance for Jacob and me to hang out with our friends. The shower turned out to be so much fun! Beka had the cutest decorations! She hung baby clothes throughout the room, and then had my favorite candy - M&M's in pink and brown - strewn all over the room in decorative containers. It turned out really cute. The guys pretty much just hung out all night, which is what we knew would happen. For the girls, Beka bought bibs for us to decorate. It was such a fun thing to do at a shower, and I was very appreciative to not have people measure my belly or have me sniff a "dirty" diaper to guess what candy is in it, haha.
**There is more of the blog after the first round of pictures - Warning: There are a lot of pictures...
My formal baby shower was given by my Mother-in-Law, Teresa, my Sister-in-Law, rachel, and my best friend, Alex. It was the traditional shower where all family members and family friends were invited. It was so beautiful! The theme was sugar and spice so the food set up had a candy bar (sugar) and a salsa bar (spice). It was super cute! Rachel's friend, Autumn, made cake balls for the party and they were the best cake balls I have ever eaten! Autumn is a fantastic baker - I wish I was talented, haha. It was really nice being able to hang out with all of Jacob's family that I don't get to see as often, and with my family, too :)
For the "game" part of the shower, it was decided we would skip over doing traditional games and instead everyone would decorate a scrapbook page for Ellie's first year. The scrapbook pages turned out sooo cute! And the best part was that everyone signed their page so I will always know who decorated each page.
Baby Ellie was really spoiled between my two showers. My MIL alone had 19 gift bags for me to open at the shower, haha. We were blessed to have all of the major items purchased for us, so now it's just little stuff like baby shampoo and lotion to buy when the first bottles start running out. If you came to one of my showers, thank you so much!! It was wonderful being able to spend time with you :)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
1st Baby Shower
We decided it would be best to have the shower at our house, even though that's pretty unconventional, because we are the most centrally located. Beka lives in Greenville, and we didn't want to ask anyone else to "host" the event. Since it was going to be here, I felt the need to try and get my nursery put together. It's by no means even close to being done, but you can see below in the pictures that I at least have my furniture put together. We still have so much to get for the room, but obviously I want to wait until my showers are over to go buy anything. Our baby bedding, and accessories are being made by a family friend, and it's not ready yet so I have that coming, as well. But at least you can get an idea of what it will look like soon enough - I'll be posting more pictures as we get more done!
Now onto the pregnancy side of the blog ;) I can definitely tell I've entered my third trimester. I am getting soooo tired at just the slightest excursions! At school, I can really feel the difference - this is probably because I teach on the third floor. Those stairs are killing me!! I have also started to notice that I'm having some Braxton Hicks contractions, but so far they haven't been painful, so that's a plus (I'm sure the pain is coming). The baby is very active, and I I love feeling her move all around. She has stopped kicking as much, and now it just feels like she is stretching. She will push against the uterine wall and then push her way down the side, just like she is stretching with a yawn. She does this pretty much all day long :)
Finally, Jacob and I have been attending our childbirth preparation classes, and I am learning soo much. It's amazing all the things a woman's body does to prepare for childbirth. I am planning to go completely natural during delivery. I had originally planned to do this because I knew it was better for the baby, and I just wanted to prove to myself I was capable of doing that - I mean it is what my body was designed to do. However, after going to these classes, I am even more determined to go through with a natural birth. At our class this week, we found out that epidurals are actually capable of preventing the infant from latching on during breastfeeding the first day, and can cause difficulty with breastfeeding during the first few weeks because of that. Also, any medication you take while in labor - epidurals included - can stay in a baby's system as long as 6 weeks! Now I'm not saying I won't crumble under the pain of contractions and demand an epidural (especially if I end up with a ridiculously difficult labor) but I really feel like I am prepared to go through my labor and delivery naturally. Wish me luck!!
Below are pictures of the nursery :)
Are these shoes not precious??
The girls decorated baby bibs for Ellie. They all turned out soo cute!!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Nursery Decorations
I have recently discovered the greatness of Etsy, and the stuff on this website is amazing! I am having custom bedding made based on light pink and chocolate brown. The main fabric is a pink and brown damask. I do plan to paint the nursery walls in the house we are moving to in July. We want to do a two tone paint job with light pink on top, and a dark stained wainscoting on the bottom. With these colors in mind, I have found lots of stuff to go with that on Etsy. Below are several of the things I'm considering purchasing for Ellie's nursery.
As far as my pregnancy goes, I am starting to reach the uncomfortable stage :( I am currently waking up about once an hour at night to use the restroom - fun! I am also becoming winded at the slightest exertions. Stairs are currently my most un-favorite activity, too bad I live on the second floor of an apt and work on the third floor of the school, haha.
There is one cool thing to Ellie continuing to grow inside me. I can feel her move around more and more everyday. She is also starting to poke up against me and I can actually push back on her. It's been a pretty neat experience :)
Anyway, that's about all that's going on with us right now. I'm sure I'll find more to write about later...
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Snow day #??
I know a lot of my teacher friends are stressing about missing so much instructional time with their students, but luckily I teach a fairly easy subject to get my students caught up on. Thank goodness I don't teach math, then I would be stressing. My kids are in the middle of a novel so we'll just take a little bit longer reading it than I had hoped. I know they won't mind missing a few stories I had planned to teach out of their literature book - and I know they won't miss the grammar I'll probably have to eliminate, haha.
The further along I get into this pregnancy, the less I can sleep at one time. I generally wake up about 3-4 times a night, and I usually don't sleep past about 7:30. I don't really feel tired during the day, I just go to sleep earlier at night. Well anyway, I was up this morning about 7 despite the fact that I didn't have to wake up for school. I had my first kick of "nesting" so I started going through my closet, then I hit the hallway closet and organized it. I ended up taking out 4 bags of trash! Finally, I did 3 loads of laundry, and started getting the baby clothing we have already accumulated ready to wash. All before noon! Then I got tired, sat down, and I haven't been up since then :) I guess my "nesting" kick is over for now...
I hope everyone stays warm on this cold day, and here's to wishful thinking that we'll have one more day off tomorrow!!
The snow/sleet view from our balcony - not nearly as pretty as last week's snow :(
My little laundry helper
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Let's try this again :)
1. The bigger I get, the less I am treated like an adult. I thought being pregnant was all about being pampered - and believe me I have been somewhat pampered and I'm quite enjoying that aspect. However, anytime I pick up a box it's immediately taken from my hands. With all this snow and ice, anytime I get near any of it, I am warned to go slow and take my time. I know everyone's concerned with my well being (and that of Ellies') but it's starting to get to me. I feel like a little kid at times...
2. No one has touched my belly. Of course now that I am typing this I will be accosted the next time I go anywhere, but so far there has not been a single stranger come up and talk to me about my pregnancy or try to touch my belly. I know about 10 people who are currently pregnant and they say they have all gotten this at least once - some have gotten it multiple times. I'm thinking either I just look fat or there must be something about me that seems unapproachable, haha.
3. I get sick ALL the time! Now I knew from reading that my immunity system would be lowered because I was pregnant. I had heard of my pregnant friends being sick so I eve got a flu shot for the first time ever! I was not prepared for the amount of times I would be sick this year. It seems like anytime anyone with so much as a sniffle gets near me, I get sick. I have had a stomach virus twice, 3 colds, and 1 sinus infection. I am so tired of being sick, and I still have 3 more months :(
Now, it may sound like all I am doing is complaining - so far that is all I have done;) so let me list some things I have really enojyed about pregnancy:
- Feeling my baby move
- Wearing maternity pants (weird, I know, but they are super comfy!)
- Going baby shopping
- Picking out a name - Elisabeth "Ellie" Katherine
- Dreaming about what she will look like
- Dreaming about what kind of person she will turn out to be
- Bonding with my mothers, sister-in-law over motherly things
- Having conversations with Jacob about what kind of parents we will be
Well that's about all I've got for now. Below are a few pictures of me to show comparisons of my growing belly :)
28 Weeks
(Can you even tell a difference?! It looks the same to me, but I swear it's bigger!)